Emerging Markets Research

Uncovering Value with Our Emerging Markets Research
Due to our independent status, we can throw our research net far and wide, taking in investment grade and high yield bonds, together with emerging market bond opportunities.
Often overlooked and forgotten, we use the same tried and true research process to compare and contrast balance sheets, calculate financial ratios and relative value to the market. We are acutely aware of liquidity issues with some emerging market bonds, therefore, we only focus on those with significant activity and a liquid market.
Key Features
How Do We Identify Emerging Market Bonds?
The emerging bond market has very specific challenges, including potential liquidity issues and sometimes a lack of up-to-date information. While often flying under the radar, ignored and neglected by other research houses, our proactive research strategy continues to identify significant value.
Conscious of the heightened risk/reward ratio, we take a selective approach to emerging markets research and the companies we cover.
Experts in Emerging Markets

In-Depth Research Notes

We Don’t Sit on the Fence

Supporting Data Provided

Transparent and Approachable

Identifying Relative Value

Emerging Markets Report
How do you identify potential market anomalies?
We take a broad brush approach when looking at market anomalies, taking into account market conditions, companies and bonds, all compared and contrasted against our internal credit scores and forecast for the next six months.
Do you use credit agency ratings to identify top and bottom performing bonds?
We are skeptical of credit agency ratings, instead preferring to calculate our own internal credit scores and company forecasts. This ensures that our research process and output remains consistent.
Do you receive payment from third parties to provide research notes?
We only receive payments from clients, with no outside influence on our research reports, daily reports or intraday comments. This is one of the critical foundations upon which our business is built, providing truly independent corporate bond research.